Fumaric Acid

Fumaric Acid
Inhibitor of malolactic fermentationCHARACTERISTICS
One of its properties is to inhibit or block malolactic fermentation at a certain concentration. It is therefore a tool of choice to limit the use of the SO2 previously used for this purpose.
When used in wine, it enables you to control malolactic fermentation. In fact, when added at an early stage after the end of alcoholic fermentation (fructose/glucose under 1 g/L), it blocks all malolactic fermentation. Added during malolactic fermentation, it allows the fermentation to be partially completed.
It is a tool of great interest when you wish to limit [the use of SO2] or make wines without SO2.
Max legal dose : 60 g/hL.
- Packaging 5 kg and 25 kg
Fiche technique
01/2023 -
data sheet
Safety Update